The Curate Your Life Podcast with Temetria: Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life

90. Best Foot Forward

Temetria McVea Episode 90

Bringing Your Best Self Forward

In this episode of the Curate Your Life podcast, Temetria discusses the importance of presenting your best self in all aspects of life. Addressing the trend of sloppiness, she encourages listeners to make an effort in their appearance and day-to-day actions. Temetria emphasizes that bringing your best self is not about conforming to societal norms but about self-respect and confidence. She suggests evaluating daily efforts and striving for continuous personal growth. She invites listeners to reflect on whether they are truly giving their best and offers consultations to help them achieve their highest potential.

00:00 Introduction to Curate Your Life
00:17 The Importance of Putting Your Best Foot Forward
01:16 Effort and Grooming: The Basics
03:12 Living Your Best Life: Daily Reflections
06:34 The Impact of Energy and Appearance
08:43 Continuous Growth and Self-Improvement
09:11 Conclusion and Next Steps

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Welcome to the Curate Your Life podcast with Temetria where we focus on curating the life you've been dreaming of one goal at a time. So that you can make the rest of your life the best of your life. Hey y'all. Okay, so today we're going to talk about putting your best foot forward. And I don't know if this is going to be long or short; I didn't really plan anything out. I just wanted to come talk about some of the things that I've been seeing. And I've been seeing sloppiness. And you know what, I'm not going to sugarcoat it. We're just going to talk. I think people are looking a little sloppy. And I think we could just do better. Like when you're out in public don't you want to put your best foot forward? Wouldn't you feel better if you went out in public looking decent, respectable? And now I'm just thinking about that meme going around and I have not even actually seen. The actual thing about demure and something. And so let me just say this. I don't, I'm not here to say that you need to look a certain way. I'm here to say make an effort. Put forth a little effort. And I think it is as much for you as it is for the other person. Because I feel like when you can go out into the world and you've put some effort into your appearance, I'm not saying you have to wear designer clothes, I'm not saying you have to be made up or, you know, quaffed to the hilt. I'm saying be groomed. Let's let that can be the baseline. Grooming. You will feel better. You'll feel more confident. You won't feel the need to run into the grocery store and duck and dodge and try and get the things that you need and get out before running into somebody you know. You will be able to carry yourself confidently and look people in the eye and smile. So. I think we've kind of lost something lately. And I know there's a difference between societal norms that are trying to put people in a box of right and wrong made up by the powers that be, versus letting people be who they are and letting their unique gifts shine through. I know there's that line, and what I am proposing is that you shine through at your brightest at your best, whatever your style is, whoever you are, whatever you're bringing; bring your best. And I just feel like a lot of people are kind of dialing it in and going through the motions and being the embodiment of it is what it is, which is not a phrase that I love. So, what I want to talk about today is bringing your best. And you decide what your best is. But I don't think that people today right now, from what I've seen lately, I don't think they're bringing their best. And it takes some effort. Right. And I'm not here to say what the level of effort is, or what it should be, and maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the people out there that I'm seeing are doing their best. Maybe some people are, but I feel like a lot of people are just really phoning it in and they have a little bit given up. What I want to propose is that you ask yourself one question. Is this my best? And if it's not ask yourself why. Why am I not bringing my best self to my life every day? What's in the way? And then go to work on one thing, one thing that you can improve. And if you are bringing your best, if that's your best self Bravo, and thank you for bringing your best. And I also know that your best can change on a daily basis. But when you're living your life fully and thriving at whatever level, because that can look different on a daily basis too. But if you had a day where you lived your life the way. That you wanted to, like, you felt like you did all you could. You'd left it all on the table. And you showed up and you played full out. The end of the day, when you lay your head on the pillow there's a different story playing in your mind. It's the wow. I, I impressed myself today. I did some stuff today. I'm happy with what I did; how I showed up. I'm happy with that conversation that I had with a friend. I'm happy with the work that I did. I'm happy with the way I treated myself. That's a different narrative going on in your head when you hit the pillow. Than when you have a day where you just kind of went through the motions and nothing was great and you were not your best self, then that narrative, when you lay down, you hit the pillow, it's the I shoulda coulda, woulda. And that is a thing that will exhaust us; that will wear us down. It's a different tired when you have done something with all your heart and all your soul and you know why you're doing it. And it was hard work. Versus when you didn't hit the mark because you didn't really try, you were just dialing it in. You were just going through the motions and your heart wasn't in it. That's a different tired at the end of the day. And so this is, just a little bit different right than how you show up physically; your physical appearance. It's the energy; it's the, you, all of you that you were either bringing or not bringing to the table. But I do think how you show up physically your appearance, how you're put together, contributes to your energy and the heart and the soul that you're bringing to your everyday life. And I know that at the time, there could be a time when you just need milk and you just need to go to the store and get that one thing. And I'm not asking you again, to like throw on heels and get your best bag. But what I'm saying is 99% of the time. How are you showing up? What are you bringing? Are you bringing your best self? And if not, why? What is missing? And I hope that you get that. I mean, that, it's more than just your physical appearance, and that it's all of it that matters and that it all ties together. And I'm not suggesting that you be perfect. Or that you conform to any specific idea. I'm just suggesting that when you bring your best self it's best for you, because it's a reflection of how you feel about yourself. About how you feel about what you have to offer to the world. Let me know if this resonates. If it makes sense. If you have objections or offended by part of it. I did not in any way mean to offend anyone. But I just think collectively we can do better. I think when we do better, when we're showing up as our best selves, we see what's best in others. And if you want to bringing your best great. That's fantastic. I would say, check in on a regular basis. I think even when we are at our best and doing our best, there's another level that we can decide that we want to go to. And that's called growth. And I think we continue to grow and change and evolve as we live our lives. So checking in and saying, yeah, I'm doing my best. I'm doing great. Am I ready to go to the next level? And what does that look like? Is living; is really living your life. And if anything struck a chord with you today, and you want to explore it more contact me schedule a consultation. I would love to help you figure out what your best is or what your next level is and how to reach it. Until next time.

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